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Writer's pictureKate Reutzel

Something Celebrated

Hello everyone! I'm back! If you noticed that I didn't blog last week, congratulations you have officially been promoted to my VIP list. If you didn't notice.... be better next time. I took a break last week from writing, and really doing anything productive because I had finished my second quarter of school and desperately needed to turn my brain completely off. And since this is a blog saturated in self love, I did that.

Over the last few weeks, I have felt a shift in the air. Anyone else? I'm not sure if it's the weather getting nicer, or the influx of vaccinations, or summer peaking out over the horizon of (let's be honest) a pretty crap winter. All I know is I have found a spring in my step and a desire to bask in the joyfulness of celebrations.

Celebrations for what you may ask? Well, the first was for my dearest friend's 23rd birthday. You know when you have those people that are so incredibly easy to celebrate? If it would be socially appropriate I would probably like to have a party for this person's existence on a weekly basis (Sky, love you). It was a day of sunshine, good food, good friends, and a cake! Yes, I baked a cake. And not just any cake, the cake of all cakes, and the one that made me realize how much I love to bake (check out that rhyme). This was definitely the most involved baking experience I have had for quite some time, because as previously mentioned this cake is not simple, reference back to the Coconut Lemon Cake from "Cheesecake for the Soul".

After a temporary panic whipping the frosting back up to room temperature the morning of decoration (it split and turned into a watery mess, I almost cried, it came back together), the cake was ready. She was thoroughly enjoyed by us, standing around a kitchen island, laughing together. Which, in my humble opinion, is the a superior way to enjoy a cake.

The second celebration in reference today was for no particular reason at all. Who says celebrations have to be for some momentous occasion anyway? Celebrate the sunshine, celebrate that you slept well the night before, celebrate because it's a Tuesday, just celebrate as much as you can. If we have learned anything over the last year, it is that the little joys of life, the things we used to not pay much attention to, can be inaccessible really fast. So now, as we try to come back to a place of normalcy, don't forget to celebrate these seemingly insignificant, but extremely important, little flecks of light that are part of our lives.

On Sunday, my family went out to dinner in Denver. Together! Outside! In the sun! And it was one of those nights where we just soaked in the joy of being together. We drank bubbles, ate delicious food, and yes, celebrated.

So, as the temperature climbs over the next few days, get outside and get celebrating! And as always, eat some good food.

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