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Writer's pictureKate Reutzel

Something Eaten

As this blog develops, and I figure out just how hard it is to write something fun and entertaining every week, I have decided that I may need to start having some structure. While the free flowing way I've been doing it is fun sometimes, I run into weeks like this one where the only thing going on in my brain is white noise. SO, birthed out of this place of having no thoughts, comes Something Pickled's first series! I don't have a catchy title for it yet (so taking suggestions), but I am going to tell you the stories of the best meals I've ever eaten. Why am I doing this? Because another thing I have discovered is while I do love to cook, I really, really, love to eat. Some of these meals I have cooked, some have been cooked for me, all hold a dear place in my heart and stomach.

So buckle up buttercups because it is story time.

Today's story takes us back to summer. Last summer to be specific, which (amidst a global pandemic) was probably the best summer of my life. It consisted of lazy mornings in my backyard with my best friends, sunset walks to the park, movie nights, camping trips, and yes, lots of good food. If you didn't have the pleasure of spending time in my college house, we truly embraced the open door policy. Everyone was welcome, at all times, and we could promise you an excellent selection of games, good music, and the kind of laughter that fills your soul right up.

Yes, I essentially lived in a dream world for my last few months of college life. And I am trying not to be one of those people that is already nostalgic for their college days at the ripe old age of 23... but it was magical and it's hard okay?

Back to the story. It was nearly the end of the summer, and we were getting ready to leave our little bubble and enter the real world (duh duh duhh). And I just remember thinking one night, we need to celebrate this summer, this house, and these people. We need to end this time of our life with a bang so to speak.

What better way to celebrate those you love than bruschetta, cheese, and wine? Some, well actually most, of my favorite meals consist of this type of food. The kind that you eat with your hands, and the kind that is so filling and delicious and simple! It is the food of sunsets and celebrations and friends, and is the food I would choose to eat most of the days of my life. And while I will go into an in depth analysis of bruschetta and tomatoes when summer comes back, to make the best bruschetta ever all you need to know is: pan-fry your bread in olive oil (not healthy, but superior in all ways), don't add too much stuff; just tomatoes, basil, salt, and a little garlic, and make more than you think you should because once you start eating it you can't really stop.

I love food that isn't fussy. I don't think good food means elaborate, or well decorated, or fancy by any means. Good food is the food that fills you up, and makes you smile. And mostly it is the food you share with people you love. So, crammed around our little table, in a ridiculously hot (no AC) living room, windows open, listening to our favorite songs, laughing and eating together, I had one of the best meals of my life. It was one of the nights that you are nostalgic for before they even end, and I am so grateful for that.

Eat something good this week!

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